Photo retouching skills include color correction, cropping/resizing, color grading, cloning, compositing, and replacing backgrounds.

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Collar Fix Request

Retouch and composite for a white coat collar fix request.

Landscape Photo Editing

Landscape remove parking lot, color correct, burn and dodge and global edits.

Add Mask

A few doctors forgot to wear their mask in the finalized edit of a photo but had their mask on for other versions. I used the other versions of the photo to create this composite.

Coat Fix

This doctor posed with her hands in her pocket with the jacket buttoned which caused some gaping. Replaced the gap with highlights, shadows, and cloning.

Eye Glass Distortion

This person sat for a portrait but due to the prescription of their glasses and the lens I was using, distortion occurred. I replaced the distortion and added in natural highlights.

mcs video edit arm

After general edits were applied to this image, some issue with light was happening on their arm. Replaced that portion of their arm to match the lighting and texture.